Mark Klotz Photography

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Lomography Simple Use Camera (Reloading Your Film)

Skater Doing Sweet Jumps. Lomography Simple Use Camera.

How to reload film into your Lomography Simple Use Film Camera.

Yes, even though they look like disposable cameras, you can reload these Lomography instant cameras with film, over and over again. They are a lot of fun to use, and fairly inconspicuous too, which makes them great for street photography.

This one is the black and white film version, and comes with a wonderful roll of Lomo Lady Grey 400 black and white film, which I have already shot and processed (see my instagram photos). Last week I finished off a roll of expired Kodak Ultramax 400 color film in this camera, and now I am loading a roll of Kodak Tri-X 400.

Open up the camera (cut the paper seal on the bottom first).

Pop a roll of 35mm film in the film compartment on the right, hold it in place, and pull out a short length of film.

Adhere a small piece of tape to the end of the leader on your film, lay the film flat across the camera and secure the taped end to the film take-up spool on the left.

Advance a bit of the film around the take-up spool using the little crank handle on the bottom left side of the camera.

Be sure to switch the film release switch to the left position, (the switch is on the top right of the camera, just to the left of the film advance winder on the top right of the camera) which will disengage the film advance winder. (This is only temporary, until you have finished loading the film onto the left film spool.

Before you start rolling all of your film onto the film spool, make sure to securely close the camera door, as to not expose your film. Use the little crank handle to gently wind all of the film onto the left film spool. There will be some resistance, but go slowly, and be gentle, so you don’t break off the little crank handle. (If you break off that little handle, you’re screwed). Keep winding until you feel it come to a stop. Your film is now ready to shoot!

Press the shutter release button, and advance your film normally with the winder.

These cameras have a built in flash, and the battery can easily be replaced. It takes a AA size battery.

It’s pretty simple! Have fun, and use your camera until it wears out.

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